Don't Shake the Baby

Generalist sentiments regarding love, the art of drinking and drive by farting.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Exes and ohs

Here they are, in chronological order. A list of the nicknames I've come up with for guys I've dated so my friends can keep them straight. Ready?

1. Big head/Dorkus/Atari boy (he was so terrible, he earned three).
2. Rocker Aaron
3. Ted
4. Pig Farmer
5. Rob
6. Bear mauled guy
7. "You remind me of my sister" guy
8. Dead bird guy
9. Soup boy/Foam boy
10. "I broke up with my fiancee two weeks ago but I'm totally over her" guy
11. Lime boy
12. Stevel Knievel
13. The flake

Anyone without a nickname was obviously not noteworthy, and therefore not worth mentioning.
If you require further elaboration on any of the names, let me know. I've got a dossier on each.


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