Don't Shake the Baby

Generalist sentiments regarding love, the art of drinking and drive by farting.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Where Have All the Heroes Gone?

Shit. Another one down. First Spalding Grey, who happens to be the best story teller on the planet and now Hunter S. Thompson. Why are all my college era influences “offing” themselves? Granted, Hunter could have accidentally shot himself…he’s been know to mix fire arms and altered states of consciousness on more then one occasion.

Is rebel to suicide the only through line? Must we become our parents to survive? Is there any way to keep allegiance with the truth of our youth while continuing to progress to adult hood? Or is it grow up…sell out?

My prediction for the up coming year…

1. Michael Moore will run for office, accepting special interest money.
2. Wes Anderson will no longer work with Owen and begin to make film sequels,
aka Beaches 3, Weekend at Bernie’s 8 and The Princess Diaries in Cancun.
3. Neil Young will reunite with Crosby Stills and Nash….forever!


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