Don't Shake the Baby

Generalist sentiments regarding love, the art of drinking and drive by farting.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Big Blue Ball

While sitting on my deck last evening, I noticed a very large blue ball had found its way into my back yard. One of those exercise balls, palates ball, yoga ball…what ever you want to call it. I saw it just as I was drawing on my American Spirit mulling over the possible suspects in the recent Hinge Screw case (see posting “For Guphy”).

Life is clicking along all ordinary and what not then suddenly for no apparent reason, odd things appear. You either ignore them or allow them to inform your thoughts. And if you are informed by life’s non sequitur, you could very well loose your mind. Like Jonathan Noel in the Patrick Suskind’s, “ The Pigeon”

What would you do if one day you open your apartment and blocking your path is one steely-eyed pigeon? Or a giant ball infiltrates the back yard, or some completely normal looking guy in a truck with his 7 year old son motions for you to role down your window while parked at a stop sign? Need directions? No, no he didn’t, he needed to make monkey sounds and Monty Python French Solider gestures.
Jonathan ripped his pants and panicked. I wrote a blog entry.


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