Don't Shake the Baby

Generalist sentiments regarding love, the art of drinking and drive by farting.

Monday, July 18, 2005

My Weekend


4pm left work
4:07 laid on couch, cat nappped
4:38 rudly awoken by some a-hole trying to save the world by asking me for money
4:40 awake on couch trying to fall back to sleep
4:45 gave up and finished, "she climbed across the table"
5:30 moved stuff off deck, swept and scrubbed deck for painting
6:30-9:30 experienced a loss of time, probably slipped through a black hole
9:45 picked up seth


drove seth to bus stop
went to U District farmers market
madee blackberry cobbler
ate most of cobbler
painted 2/3 of deck when found that second can of paint was wrong color
went to pick up correct color, but they were out of stock
picked up seth in lynnwood
decided there were no good movies playing at lynwook giganta plex
ate at the claim jumper
came home...another time warp, must contact NASA


drove seth to work after coffee and cigarettes with petie cat (he should really cut down)
went to shoreline paint store only find they were closed on sundays
shook fist at universe and asked, "why don't you want my deck painted?"
elham invited me to go boating
went boating
drank beer
swam in the sound in my panties
drank beer
took off panties so as to not soak shorts
drank beer
got to drive boat across the injuries reported as yet.
picked up seth from bus stop
made stake potatoes and peas fresh from market
passed out


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