Don't Shake the Baby

Generalist sentiments regarding love, the art of drinking and drive by farting.

Friday, September 02, 2005

This is Bull Shit.

I am so fucking mad. Mad mad mad mad. ARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!

What the fuck? I mean REALLY. What. The. Fuck.

So mad, I can’t think, just walking around with goose bumps on my skin, thinking. How can I get to New Orleans? What skills do I have that will help? Could I relieve some other tired aid workers? I can hand out water. I can cook. Shit, give me a big ass pot and a tank of propane and I can feed a hundred people for $50.

I’m strong; I can drive stakes into the ground. I know CPR and how to make a compression bandage. I can help, I know can.

I’m a pretty good organizer too. Give me a two-way radio and I will rally all small boat owners in the gulf coast to put in and get thee to New Orleans....Carnival Cruise lines has a fleet of ships just off shore, waiting to take people to safety. Drug companies have donated resources and one ship is a floating hospital.

The Ducks have been pulled from their normal tourist routes and are currently pulling patrols around the city. Each is staffed with certified scuba diver, a barrel of water, a chain saw and a gun club sharp shooting champ. Civilian pilots from their Sesna planes are dropping additional resources.

REI, Colman and North Face have sent tents, sleeping bags and water purifiers. Student nurses have descended on mass. Greyhound busses are arriving around the clock and 4 Season’s Hotels have opened their doors.

It’s not that fucking hard. So come on you fuckers, instead of worrying about your TVs and Porches being looted, throw them the keys to your stores and let them have at it. A jackass is a jackass let them sink under the weight of their soggy 54” plasma HD TV. But don’t tell me there aren’t resources….this is THAT all mighty god damned AMERICA we are talking about here.

Land of plenty, my ass. Land of "how can I cut my losses" more like it.

Now either put up or shut up.

Click Here to Hear New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin on sister station WWL as heard on Air America.


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