Don't Shake the Baby

Generalist sentiments regarding love, the art of drinking and drive by farting.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

A Simple Plan

I have been doing some reading on Karl Rove. Everything that I have been able to pull together makes me realize he is one giant dweeb. This is the kind of guy who would have become a serial killer had the socio path synapse attached itself one neuron to the right. But it did'nt, it landed squarely on top of the Competition cortex. Single minded, systematic and very very savvy.

What's frightening about Rove is that you can'tt appeal to a higher moral character, it simply doesn't exist. He is a cyborg programmed only to WIN. If people get hurt, careers destroyed, or the public misled, that is all just part of the process of coming out on top.

How do you fight someone like that? Someone who does not care about the issues only that his candidate comes out on top? It is practically impossible if you choose to take the ethical path. Fighting fire with fire will not work if you plan to exit the competition with even a small part of your soul.

The Plan:

Watch him, watch him closely. Whenever a big story breaks about a candidate, read anything BUT that story, somewhere, somehow, something big is going on that Karl does not want us to know about. Whisper campaigns are a common tactic he uses...Was Kerry really a war hero...I heard that Govenor Richards is a lesbian.

Look for fliers and direct mailings. He's been purporting as saying that this is the media that often flies under the radar.

Don not blink, pay attention! And then report. Report. Report. Report on your blog or local talk radio. Talk about him ALL the time, his history, is tactics. Keep it in the public consciousness.

A simple plan, lots of work on our parts, but we can cut him down.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

No Inspiration

How do people blog every day? I’m more of a lightening strikes kind of person, can’t really get the ol’ keys a clacking unless inspired. But I’m going to give it a go, a daily entry that will hopefully drum up some readership.

Last night, in lieu of sweeping the floor that currently is home to a warren of dust bunnies and a dried skin or two of onions, I watched a couple of documentaries. FYI- I am a documentary junkie. I LOVE them. Radio, Film, Books, TV you name it, I’m into it. And I’m not a snob about it either, “E True Hollywood Story, Meg Ryan” is right up there with “Fog of War”.

Documentary number one: Inside the Celluloid Closet.
This is a movie about the portrayal of homosexuals in films throughout Hollywood’s history. Amazing how we move from the freedom to express intimacy between people to a more rigid implied intimacy. I would say this applies to all relationships, M/F, M/M, F/F, but most markedly in the physical expression of tenderness between men. We move from soft touch to couched looks in the early years. The screenwriters became masters if implication. Even more interesting was how closeted audiences learned to decipher this language of silence. Definitely worth watching…I ended up adding most of the films they discussed to my NetFlix Que.

Documentary number two: Bush’s Brain.
Fuckin’ Karl Rove. What a douche bag. I will write more on this later…so much bigger than all of us. I have a plan for next election.

All right, I’ve done my duty. I’m out, until tomorrow.