Don't Shake the Baby

Generalist sentiments regarding love, the art of drinking and drive by farting.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Panic Attack

Does anyone else ever do this?

I went downstairs to the cafeteria at work just now to buy lunch. As usual, there was very little offered down there that I wanted to put in my mouth. And frequently, even when something sounds good, it actually isn't good at all.

So I panicked and just started grabbing: a cup of soup, a peach, a tomato and cheese sandwich, and a fizzy water. 7 freaking dollars later, I'm walking back to my desk thinking 'Goddammit. I don't want any of this. Well, except maybe the fizzy water'.

I should have gone out for pho with you guys after all. Sigh.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Human Tessla Coil

People who know me would probably describe me as a bit tough. Not a super butch chick, but the kind that can get a nail shoved through her arm while remodeling and stick a bandaid on it. I'm pretty callous emotionally too. I think my friends both love and hate my pseudo tough love thing I pull on them from time to time. I get all logical when what they really want is someone to agree with their plight.

But I'm fairly sensitive too. I have a lot of empathey and am really sensitive to "energy" in both my friends and myself. With out getting all Crystal-Ly let me say that I'm am a believer in concept of the healer, a person with strong empathetic abilities and a talent to manipulate other people's blocks. Good massage therepists are that way, as is my doctor.

For years my back has been completely messed up. I have this chronic pain in my lower back that plays like the sound track to my life. A good day is when I don't have to chew advil like candy.

Yesterday I started a new round of therepy with this Natural Path. He's pretty hot, so i don't mind it when he "manipulates my energy feilds". Yesterday, for the first time in my life I underwent acupuncture. It was freaking crazy. Little needles in my back and legs. S C A R Y shit.

But that wasn't even the weird part, Dr. New Age then attached these electrodes to the some of the needles and sent current through them. That is just INSANE. I could feel these waves of current jumping around the perimeter of my body like i was some giant Tessla coil.

Not sure if it helped. All I know is that my back freakin hurts today.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Random Thoughts About My Week-So Far

I've been getting in to work late these days, mostly because the boy tends to turn off the alarm rather than hit snooze. That's how my Monday started, we a ultra jolt to the system realizing I only had 15 minutes to shower shampoo and shine.

Next day, i actually get into the gym, but realize I forgot I had to take my car to mechanic. This is the '63 valient and she didn't start that morning, so I called AAA. They tried to give her a jump, but the gas leak from the filter hose seemed to be a problem....why he got all worked up about gas dripping on the exhaust manifold I will never know.

Any who, while Mr. AAA is hooking up Ruby (that's the car) I'm getting my stuff together to leave the house....only to lock my keys in the house. Great, so now I have a tow truck driver and a dead car and the friggin keys are AWOL. Can I just mention that it is NOT EVEN 9am at this point?

Okay, break into house, grab keys and change pants that have been snagged by and errant nail while climbing through window. Follow car to mechanic. Watch two truck driver turn into a dead end ally with car. Prey he doesn't smash her into the garbage truck now behind him.

When I finally get to the mechanics, who appear to still be asleep, I leave Ruby behind to head off to work. Only to realize when I'm halfway there that I forgot to leave the bloody car keys.


Okay fast forward to work where I come into a box of 500 promotional magnets I had made only to find that though very nice looking...don't have the ALL IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBER on them.

Happy Fucking Tuesday.