Don't Shake the Baby

Generalist sentiments regarding love, the art of drinking and drive by farting.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Thank You Lord

I...I...I don't know what to say, close to tears really. This IS the reason the internet exists.

A Safe Place for Drunk Dialing

I particularly enjoy the rating system.

I have half a mind to set up my own service. You buy me beer, I drink it and then call people from your phone! This could take off people, i do believe there is a niche out there for me.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

We Rock!

We have a fan! Holy Cow! Apparently Arizona is Amish Country, had no idea, but hell, I was schooled in the US, what the heck do I know about geography. Anyway, let’s give a big hello to Janis!


Since we have reached the dizzying heights of fame, there has been some behind the scenes discussion of disbanding. And after a lot of soul searching, some midi karaoke and a couple cases of beer, Janis will be happy to know that we intend to carry on despite the inevitable possibility of shark jumping.

You want random? I'll give you random...

So here's something that's been bugging me. I've got a John Kerry for president 2004 sign in my front yard. After the election was all said and done, I was still so pissed that Bush actually won (he had a mandate, no less) that I decided I was going to leave my John Kerry sign in the yard for the next 4 years in protest.

It's what now...February? The sign is still there, and looking pretty sharp, I must say.
It's one of 'em plastic ones so it doesn't get torn to hell in the rain and I'm quite impressed that the colors are still so blue. And, Anyway, ignore all that. The sign is there. Now.

I was walking up my front steps last night, and wondering to myself what other people think when they see that sign still in my yard. Do they see it as:
1. the defiant act of a pissed off American that I meant it to be?
2. a sign that I am a very lazy person
3. the last stand of a sore loser?

I mean, I see 'Dukakis for President' stickers on cars and can't help but chuckle. Poor Mike Dukakis. He comes from a swarthy people. Anyone remember that SNL skit?

OK, I digress. The amazing thing to me is that no one has fucked with the sign. Maybe it's because you have to really want that sign. You have to go up a bunch of steps and walk into my yard to maul poor John Kerry.

I just don't think I can bear to fold up little John and throw him away. In my little mind it's akin to admitting defeat and I can't do it. Please, someone come over to my house and do it for me, will you? Save me from myself.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Help, I'm thinking again!

I'm new to relationships. I'm 37 and I still don't know how to do them. I guess that's not big news or terribly out of the ordinary. I like being in the bubble of newness…when the farthest distance you can stand to be from him is the distance of one atom from another. When the breathe of your lover is like an ether that envelops and transports you to the land of unicorns and fluffy kittens.

I can even handle the passionate sparing that burrows us ever deeper into each others darkness.

The thing I suck at is the static place where nothing is wrong and nothing is grand. That day to day. I tend to struggle and push here. I want to make it one or the other or anything other than the norm. I get scared here. How does one manage the relationship steady state. Is it the beginning of the end? The dinners in silence? The quiet that precedes boredom? The moment before betrayal.

Or is this the pulling back of the ocean just before the powerful wave that pulls us into forever?